Tuesday 24 April 2018

Tapping The Juice From Copywriting.

The term “copy” refers to any content utilized by advertisers to tempt prospects to buy, or take part in a coveted activity.
"Copywriting" therefore, means composing advertising content or material.

This is different from “copyright," or the image ©, which implies an individual or organization possesses the right to certain material and can shield that material against illicit use from unauthorized persons. The reason for a copyright is to prevent illicit utilization of somebody's work.

Basically, copywriters compose words as commercials and promotional materials with the aim of persuading individuals to take action. That activity may be to help a reason, read a unique report, purchase an item, and ask for some more information and so on.
Copywriting can be seen wherever …

Sunday 4 February 2018

How To Avoid The 3 Most Common Affiliate Mistakes.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective and powerful ways of earning some money online. This program gives everybody a chance to make a profit through the Internet. Since these affiliate marketing programs are easy to join, implement and pays a commission on a regular basis, more and more people are now willing to try their hands in this business.

However, like all businesses, there are lots of pitfalls in the affiliate marketing business. Committing some of the most common mistakes will cost the marketers a large portion taken from the profit they are making every day. That is why it is better to avoid them than be regretful in the end.

Here are some hazard signs and dangerous waters you shouldn’t be treading on in the affiliate marketing scene!

Tuesday 9 January 2018

A Guide on Creating a Topical Web site Network.

With so many pages on the web, quality will usually win over quantity. With that being said, sometimes it will make sense to have multiple, similar websites covering slightly different topics. Doing this can help you create topically authoritative inbound links to different sites in your network and give you a multi-branded approach to marketing.

However, you want to make sure your sites are all different and unique. If your sites are extremely similar, then your sites may receive a spam penalty or have the nepotistic link popularity discounted. Even worse is that, if you interlink them all, then all of your sites could get penalized at the same time. Those using strong brands and good ideas can usually do well without creating a topical network. If you create a topical network expressly to deceive search engines, then you are taking a risk and your sites may get removed from the search indexes.

Friday 15 December 2017

What is Search Engine Spam?

Search engines make billions of dollars each year selling ads. Most search engine traffic goes to the free, organically listed sites. The ratio of traffic distribution is going to be keyword dependent and search engine dependent, but I believe about 85% of Google’s traffic clicks on the organic listings. Most other search engines display ads a bit more aggressively than Google does. In many of those search engines, organic listings get around 70% of the traffic.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Landing Page System: How it works!

Before you attempt to build a successful list or create a powerful sales page, you would want to start with a rigorous introduction to landing pages. In stark contrast to undifferentiated, unfocused home pages, landing pages focus specifically on capturing leads for a newsletter or making sales for a specific product; so make no attempt to give visitors a different option.

Another common word that is often used to describe landing page, is “squeeze page” (or “lead capture page” in some circles). A squeeze page is a page designed to get names and email addresses.  However, a squeeze page is usually a smaller type of landing page, which usually has an opt-in form in sight when the page loads.

Saturday 14 October 2017

Types of Affiliate Programs.

Today, I’ll be talking about Affiliate Marketing. It is important to note that there are different types of affiliates. The method chosen by the affiliate to promote the advertisers’ products is the key difference. Each of these affiliate types fulfills a different role in terms of value, volume and reach. By understanding affiliates on an individual basis, advertisers will have the knowledge of who is best positioned to deliver in certain industries or to promote particular products.

Content sites and blogs
These types of websites are often focused on a niche interest and feature unique content.  Examples of these include product review sites, blogs and online forums. Often, Content Affiliates form part of an Affiliate Program’s long-tail strategy and are rarely large volume drivers. Regardless of their contribution to overall sales, they are valued partners. The reason for this is that, unique content suggests editorial credibility and often has a positive impact on an advertiser’s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

How to Sell Products Produced By Others

We all have hit sites that seem like nothing but a catalogue of stuff being sold. Flashy, blinking banners; bellowing sound, if you allow it. I don't know how they can sell anything. I run quickly without even a thought of looking back. When you are selling products produced by others, let the producer do the selling. (If they can't get it done, you have the wrong producer and product.) All you should do on your site is to recommend the product and you should do so Indirectly, with little fanfare. Look at it this way:

Saturday 12 August 2017

Learn to win as an internet marketer.

Building a new business or growing one that exists takes lots of hours and plenty of hard work. Most of the newbie webmasters I have met do not seem to understand this. Until they do, there isn't a chance of success in the online marketing world.

If you agree a lot of hard work is involved, and you are willing to do whatever it takes, you have come a very long way. In fact you may be on the verge of leading the wannabe-newbie race. More so, there is one thing that can stop you.

Friday 28 July 2017

Take your business to the web: The bitter truth

Supposing you have a successful offline business, but no website to support it, you have probably considered building one. Some people may even be chiding you because you have not done so. Despite what you may have heard or others tell you, there is only one valid reason for building a website and that is to increase profits.

To build a site simply to have one, to be able to add name.com to the bottom of your stationery and business cards has a big potential for disaster. I know of two men who went into negotiations: $500/hour types. Successful by any definition you care to apply.

Saturday 8 July 2017

The Path To Online Success

If you are determined to build a successful online business, here is a plan that works, even if you are a newbie on the Web. The key to it is to take a small step in each of several areas all at the same time.

As long as each step takes you closer to your goal, then there is no hurry at all. That is, you can work with it as time allows. The trick is to avoid any move in the wrong direction, any step that is counterproductive.

The Fundamental Questions:

Begin by asking very specific questions such as:

·        Who will I sell to?
·        What will I sell?
·        How will I sell it?
·        How can a website help get it done?
·        What are my financial goals for this venture?